What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the practice of Hypnosis - an altered state of consciousness, for therapeutic purposes.

It is a proven effective treatment for a wide range of issues. In simple words, Clinical Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy is the use of an altered state of the conscious mind for a therapeutic endpoint. Therefore, people are not treated with hypnosis but are treated in hypnosis. 

You are awake, alert and aware of everything that is happening throughout the session. 

You are in charge and you cannot be made to do anything you don’t want to. No one can be taken into hypnosis against their will; it is not possible to hypnotise someone who doesn’t want to be hypnotised. It's a safe, easy, enjoyable and thoroughly relaxing process.

What can be treated through Hypnotherapy?

Eating Issues

Weight Management



Self Esteem

Chronic Pain

Overall Performance



Confidence Issues

Relationship Problems

Physical Ailments

Sleep Problems

And so much more

Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT)

What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy® is a scientific hybrid stand alone therapy that offers unparalleled results combining the most effective components of Hypnotherapy, Neuroplasticity, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychotherapy  & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBP). It was created by the highly acclaimed Marisa Peer. 

RTT®  embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning. However, RTT® goes beyond, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach. Unlike many hypnotherapies, RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement. Often this is the sole focus for hypnotherapists.

While using correct, up-to-date, and relevant language when talking to yourself is certainly a part of any transformation, it serves as more of a reinforcement of breakthroughs, rather than the catalyst of them. To understand RTT®  it's useful to understand your subconscious mind. This is the part of your mind that is the most powerful, containing infinite wisdom and a very deep level of intelligence. Your subconscious mind is the seat of all your emotions and therefore directs nearly all of your behaviour. Most importantly, your subconscious is also responsible for maintaining your body and all autonomic processes in good health .

Hypnosis is a safe way of accessing this natural intelligence and issuing new instructions to create seemingly miraculous changes in you, your behaviour and your body.

RTT® therapists are able to reach breakthroughs via hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to reach their subconscious mind via altered language and self-talk. Paola is equipped with an array of techniques and tools that are crucial, not just in teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blockages may be there. Central to that is the ability to transform many clients in a single session.

RTT® offers a comprehensive range of transformational techniques, including command cell therapy, to activate the body's innate ability to heal and restore itself to wellness from a cellular level.

“I am a great believer that you cannot fix what you don’t understand and RTT® works by first understanding how you got your issues and then freeing you from them for good by understanding the Role, Function and Purpose of the issue.” - Marisa Peer. 

For more information and testimonials, please see the video on the link below where Marisa Peer herself, explains how Rapid Transformational Therapy was developed and how it can benefit you.

“There hasn’t been a client’s breakthrough that hasn’t amazed me. The rewarding feelings that come after profound changes and the freedom gained in one session are just phenomenal.”

— Pao

What a One on One Hypnotherapy Session with me looks like.

There is nothing like the insight and understanding that comes from a one on one session.

A full session is from 90 to 120 min long. 

In the session we first uncover, address and understand the reason of the existing problem. Then we eradicate it by rewiring your old beliefs, while installing new ones that will transform your thoughts and behaviour enhancing your present life. I create a personalised hypnotic recording that you listen to every night for 21 days. I am available for a weekly 15 min coaching follow up call over the 21 days after the session at the end of which we connect for a progress evaluation.

Just sit back and enjoy the experience of your session.

It is important that you listen to your recording for 21 days.

Be aware of the changes and notice how your path unfolds.

Debrief and ask questions in your 15/20 min follow up.

Spread the love and enjoy your results. I can’t wait to help you!

Paola Hinojosa Hypnotherapist

What Clients Are Saying


“From the moment I met Paola, I felt immediately at ease. She listened to my issue with empathy and compassion and I felt comfortable allowing myself to be vulnerable and open with her. After the session with Paola I immediately felt a sense of relief and lightness. I would highly recommend Paola as a therapist.”

— Cangie. Melbourne, Nov 2020

“I had the worst fear of driving. But Paola talked me through with her calm yet firm voice over Zoom and reassured me that I am a safe driver and that it’s Fun to drive. Now I rent cars and go for a drive without hesitations! I’d recommend Paola to anyone who might have fears of some sort. Thank you Paola.”

— Tom. Tokyo, Dec 2020

“Quiero agradecer a Paola por la sesión de hipnosis que fue increíble.

Nunca antes probé ninguna de estas terapias alternativas y la verdad que fue una experiencia muy sanadora.

Estoy trabajando profundamente para poder sanar mis heridas del pasado y volver a mí yo interior encaminada y dispuesta al cambio positivamente.

Quedé impresionada como pudo Paola llevar a cabo la sesión de hipnosis en forma virtual ya que estamos al otro lado del mundo ,yo resido Argentina , pero ella hizo que me sintiera tan contenida como si estuviésemos en el mismo lugar. Su carisma y personalidad es muy especial

Recomiendo su trabajo al 100%, no puedo esperar a mi segunda sesión de Hipnosis.

Mil Gracias Paola!!!”

— Eve. Argentina, Sept 2020

“Paola was very respectful while we were having our sessions. I felt that I was in a safe place, free of any judgement and with lots of emotional support. The results were amazing and visible in just a couple of weeks. She did follow ups and made sure I was ok over the whole process. I can’t recommend her enough.”

— M.A. Queenstown, Mar 2020

“I’m blown away! I’ve always struggled with “stepping too far outside my comfort zone” and so I had an online RTT session with Paola relating to confidence. WOW what an amazing eye-opening experience that was to discover the real reason for this lack of confidence. Paola was exceptional throughout the whole 90 min process, she made me feel safe and at ease. In fact, a couple of days later I could clearly see how this limiting belief I’d adopted had influenced a physical condition I have.

Since our session I’ve stepped up and stepped out and it feels so good AND my physical condition is easing. I continue to listen to the personalised recording every night as it truly is transformational. I highly recommend an RTT session with Paola for anything that you might currently be struggling with. Thank you, Paola, you’re phenomenal!”

— Judy. Auckland, Oct 2020

“My favourite part of the session was the way in which Paola made me feel safe and cared for and that in that state I really got to imagine a beautiful new world. 

Paola is a very skilled rapid transformational therapist and well worth the money I spent. I highly highly recommend Paola if you are stuck in anyway with limiting beliefs or old ways of thinking. In one session your life could dramatically change.”

— Penny. Wellington, May 2020

“Me gusta realizar terapias alternativas para mi crecimiento y evolución personal. Cuando Paola me contó sobre su estudio en hipnosis y Terapia de transformación rápida, me interesé, más viniendo de ella, una mujer muy profesional, apasionada por su trabajo y amorosa sobre todo. Tuvimos una charla previa donde me explicó todo y donde yo despeje todas mis dudas. La sesión fue en un ambiente cálido, de suma armonía y tranquilidad. Todo el momento me sentí muy segura y contenida por ella, tengo experiencia en otras terapias y eso es sumamente importante, ya que se trabaja por lo general cosas muy profundas, fuertes, y/o reveladoras.

A mí particularmente me sirvió mucho para conocer de dónde venían los patrones que se repetían una y otra vez, para conocerme más, y entenderme.  Tratamos el sobrepeso, a través de la hipnosis comprendí el "porque" y a través de RTT  la solución.

Gracias Paola por todo el amor y cariño que recibí en la sesión, sos una excelente persona, abocada y enfocada al servicio y a mejorar la vida de los que te conocen. Recomiendo al 100% tu servicio. Por último decir me gustaría decir, que esto requiere de un gran compromiso por parte del consultante, realmente querer trabajar o tratar lo que esté pasando, cualquiera sea el motivo, y esto es así y este es el momento! contáctate con Paola y viví una experiencia transformadora.”

— Anónimo. Patagonia, July 2020

“Thank you so much for our RTT session today.  I was feeling really vulnerable and uncertain when we started this morning but you made me feel so comfortable and safe in a very short time.  

During our session you asked me the exact questions I needed to have a really big breakthrough in breaking a pattern that has been with me for years.  I appreciate your expertise and brilliant, calm manner and I look forward to working with you again. You have boosted my confidence tenfold!”

— Shelley. Wellington, Oct 2020

My hypnosis sessions with Paola have been absolutely mindblowing. When she dealt with my insomnia in one session I was more than reassured that I could change and improve different aspects of my life; so I came back for more! Since then I got rid of 8kgs and have gained the confidence to even change career without second guessing. Paola you helped me take control of my life again and for that I can’t thank you enough. 

— Sandra. Dunedin, Aug 2020

“I had a really good experience. Honestly, it was more useful than I expected because I could see myself super clear, I could literally feel those feelings that I had in the past and understood how those feelings affected me in my actual life. The MOST important thing is that I have learnt an amazing tool to use in my daily life. The after-mood was amazing, I feel full of energy and positivism. Many thanks Paola , I’m listening to the audio every night and instantly fall asleep.”

— Nadia. Auckland, Oct 2020.

“Paola is a natural healer and I felt so at ease in her presence. The issues that caused me to seek her out, have all resolved.

I have absolutely every reason to encourage who ever reads this, to trust their niggle and go see Paola. You will not regret it.”

— Kate. Sydney, Jan 2020