What is a session with Paola like?

The experience is different for different people. Most people feel relaxed and at ease, but how you feel is not an indicator of how effective the session is. The depth of trance is not linked to results at all either. Regardless of what it feels like, it’s working! Your subconscious mind never turns off! 

How does it work?

It works by creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM (Rapid Eye Movement). These brain waves allow you to access your subconscious mind. It’s super safe and easy!

What if I can’t be hypnotised?

You can. Everyone can. As long as you wish to enter hypnosis, you will. I’ll even teach you how to do it yourself!

Can I get “stuck” and “not wake up” in hypnosis?

Of course not! You are  always aware of what’s going on. It’s a dialogue between me and your subconscious mind. When you come out of hypnosis you will remember everything just as if we’ve had a conversation in a cafe. 

What if I go back to scenes that are traumatic or painful or scary?

If you go back to memories from your life that are related to events like sexual or physical abuse, or other trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it and you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and heal. The tools I use are the safest in the World. You enter hypnosis via a deep relaxation technique and your exit is safe, controlled and relaxed at all times.

Where are you based?

I am based in Bannockburn, New Zealand. But we can do your session online from the comfort of your home via Zoom as well if you are in a different part of the world! And it works just as fine! I use the same techniques regardless of where you are.

Zoom is a free platform and full instructions will be provided to you when you book your appointment.

What if the online session gets disconnected?

You may drift into sleep if you are very relaxed, eventually you’ll notice that you are not hearing my voice anymore and you’ll just open your eyes. Then we’ll reconnect, you’ll go back into hypnosis again and we’ll continue from where we left.

What if I don’t feel like I’m in control?

You are absolutely in control, your subconscious mind is looking after your interests at all times.  Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation that we naturally enter into throughout the day where the conscious analytical mind is quiet. We will be talking together throughout the session.

Do you speak Spanish? Your name doesn’t sound English at all…

Yes, I am from Argentina originally, so I speak both English and Spanish.

Are the sessions private and confidential?

Absolutely! Privacy and confidentiality are 100% guaranteed as I take them extremely seriously. All information shared with me is kept strictly confidential. 

When will I start to see changes?

There are three types of change from Rapid Transformational Therapy and every person is different:

Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away – immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours right there in the session.

Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.

Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.

Is hypnosis for anyone and everyone? Can anyone do RTT?

Most people can. But it’s not for everyone. Hypnosis is not recommended for those with diagnosed psychosis or epilepsy. If you are currently being treated for and/or taking medication for any mental illness I will ask you to consult with your doctor prior to undergoing a session.

Is it worth the money?

What’s the cost of not being the healthy unlimited you? Of being stuck? This is a process that helps you to move past significant blocks quickly and with ease. It has very quick results compared to traditional therapies and therefore will cost you significantly less.

This is just what I need, how do I book with you?

What Clients Are Saying about Hypnotherapy

— Sanya. Sydney, Sept 2023

My time working with Paola was amazing. She was very professional, but kind, understanding and empathetic at the same time. She knew exactly what questions to ask to really get to the root of my being there. I went to work on some issues I had surrounding food and my over control/lack of control surrounding it in stressful situations. The recording I went home with was amazing. It, as well as the check-in calls and constant support, really made a world of difference to my journey. I feel better than I have in years and my relationship with food has changed beyond belief. I could not have hoped for better from this experience with Paola, and I feel very lucky having had this opportunity. 

Thanks for all you help,

— Ciara. Alexandra, Sept 2023

Paola is so amazing. I was new to hypnosis and was very nervous about the process. But from my very first conversation with her I knew I was in safe and capable hands. Her commitment to help her clients is sincere and genuine. 

My RTT sessions with Paola were incredibly insightful and helped me challenge a number of my limiting beliefs and behaviours. Since attending these sessions with Paula, I have been consistently setting and achieving goals. And with each goal achieved, my confidence and resilience continue to develop. I’m truly loving this new lease on life.

I cannot recommend Paola highly enough.

— Samadhi. Perth, July 22

Paola, you changed the relationship I had with my mum, we now actually HAVE a relationship and my children are able to enjoy their grandmother. My family will always be grateful for your work.

— Debs. Wanaka, May 2022

In my 35 years of age I cannot remember a time in which I was able to sleep in total darkness and without background music. This was affecting my relationship with my partner in a very negative way. In only one session Paola sorted it out and now not only do I sleep in complete darkness and silence but I also sleep 8 uninterrupted hours as well. I never thought hypnosis would be this effective. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

— Marianna. Queenstown, May 2022

From the first phone call to my session end, Paola was very professional, while making me feel very much at ease, & valued with this whole new treatment.

With never experiencing a hypnosis-type treatment before, I was very dubious, she explained the process in a clear & easy understanding way.

She guided me through allowing me to discover a natural shift, within myself.

Leaving with a new "tool" to use & following her guidance, I  listened to the recording. Paola followed up as promised,  encouraging me, supportive, & listening to me.

I have overcome this annoying habit I have had for years. 

I Would highly recommend giving this treatment a go, it's enlightening and does work, and meeting the lovely Poala, to guide you, is so refreshing. Don't delay, deal to the issue, you just may discover a whole new "you". 

— Barbara. Cromwell, May 2022

My son  (12 years old) and I  have recently had the pleasure of experiencing the amazing talent that Paola has.

We were referred to Paola by a friend to help us with three issues.  My son had sucked his thumb since he was a baby and he had also chewed his finger nails for as long as I can remember.  So long in fact that I do not recall ever cutting them.

I must admit I wasn’t 100% sure before our appointment.  Within minutes of being with Paola both James and I were very comfortable and confident that we were in safe hands.  Paola has a very calm, caring and kind nature about her.

Your gift has been life changing for us.  This was a big battle between us and our son, now it is something positive that we can all share in.  Instead of saying a thousand times “don’t suck your thumb” this has been replaced with “you are amazing, well done”.  With my son about to enter High School we were wanting to get these issues resolved.

The one off treatment has been a massive success, my son has not sucked his thumb once and his nails are now beautiful and strong.  This has made a huge difference to his confidence and belief in his ability to achieve whatever he wants to overcome.

Thanks Paola you are truly amazing.

— A relieved Mother. Queenstown, Nov 2021

So I suffered from the horrible habit of biting my nails for as long as I could remember. My girlfriend introduced me to Pao. I had ONE session of hypnotherapy with her and I can honestly say it works. I highly recommend her services.

— Mark. Queenstown, Sept 2021

“From the moment I met Paola, I felt immediately at ease. She listened to my issue with empathy and compassion and I felt comfortable allowing myself to be vulnerable and open with her. After the session with Paola I immediately felt a sense of relief and lightness. I would highly recommend Paola as a therapist.”

— Cangie. Melbourne, Nov 2020

“I had the worst fear of driving. But Paola talked me through with her calm yet firm voice over Zoom and reassured me that I am a safe driver and that it’s Fun to drive. Now I rent cars and go for a drive without hesitations! I’d recommend Paola to anyone who might have fears of some sort. Thank you Paola.”

— Tom. Tokyo, Dec 2020

“Quiero agradecer a Paola por la sesión de hipnosis que fue increíble.

Nunca antes probé ninguna de estas terapias alternativas y la verdad que fue una experiencia muy sanadora.

Estoy trabajando profundamente para poder sanar mis heridas del pasado y volver a mí yo interior encaminada y dispuesta al cambio positivamente.

Quedé impresionada como pudo Paola llevar a cabo la sesión de hipnosis en forma virtual ya que estamos al otro lado del mundo ,yo resido Argentina , pero ella hizo que me sintiera tan contenida como si estuviésemos en el mismo lugar. Su carisma y personalidad es muy especial

Recomiendo su trabajo al 100%, no puedo esperar a mi segunda sesión de Hipnosis.

Mil Gracias Paola!!!”

— Eve. Argentina, Sept 2020

“Paola was very respectful while we were having our sessions. I felt that I was in a safe place, free of any judgement and with lots of emotional support. The results were amazing and visible in just a couple of weeks. She did follow ups and made sure I was ok over the whole process. I can’t recommend her enough.”

— M.A. Queenstown, Mar 2020

"Paola, after my last session I disconnected from everything. I feel something has shifted in me. I feel different. I can finally think, define and express what I want for my life with clarity. Why didn't I do more of this before! Thank you! I'll come back for more!"

— Rosa. Peru, Feb 2021

"I finally have the strength to stick to my goals and for that I can't thank you enough. You always deliver."

— Ron. Bannockburn, Jan 2021

I have now had Regression Therapy and Sound Therapy from Paola, her methods are professional and friendly. The Regression Therapy was fascinating and helped me understand more about myself, my why I have held certain beliefs, I am keen to explore this further with her in the future. The Sound Therapy was amazing, I have been hearing about Sound Therapy for a while and was interested to give it a go, it was truly therapeutic and Paola did a fantastic job, she has definitely found a new long term client with me.

— JR. Queenstown, Dec 2023

Before I started doing hypnotherapy with Paola I was having multiple seizures everyday as well as many other symptoms, we started to see so many people to try to help with my condition but nothing seemed to worked, but going into my session with Paola I was very nervous and didn’t really know what to expect but for the first time in so long I felt calm,relaxed and very emotional, the hypnotherapy session went better than I expected, I honestly highly recommend Paola it helped me so much with changing the way my brain thinks and changing the way I look at past traumas I’ve been through.After our session I’ve improved after the first couple days! The experience and the whole appointment was amazing and I’m so grateful I went to see her because that appointment changed my life and seeing the improvements everyday is so rewarding!! 

— Ella. Invercargill, Nov 2023

I am so grateful that the universe guided me to Paola. I have seen a few different hypnotherapists and psychotherapists over the past few years in my spiritual awakening and nothing can compare to Paola.

In only 3 MONTHS my life has changed more than in 5 years. At first I was a little skeptical because of my previous experiences, but that quickly changed with the amazing changes that started to manifest. Midway through our 3 session package I became a little distant and felt alone, Paola never let me feel alone. She was very loving and consistent with communication and made sure she spoke to me when she felt my distance. I have beaten searching outside myself for validation, food addiction, relationship addiction, shopping addiction, I no longer harbour deep anger for family members, my self esteem has returned, I think I’m gorgeous now where as before all I saw was a troll in the mirror. I love her so much and I will continue to work with her. I have also started my own career path in RTT therapy whereas before I didn’t believe I was worthy of following my dreams to become a hypnotherapist. I would highly recommend Paola if you are looking to live the life you have always wanted.

— Sanya. Sydney, July 2022

I was drinking more than a bottle of wine per night, sometimes even hiding from my family. It was affecting my marriage, my children, my work, my life. I started Paola's programme "Free from alcohol" 6 months ago and I stopped drinking alcohol after the first session and I haven't touched it again since. Peeling off layers of limiting beliefs has been liberating. Paola's coaching after each session was just phenomenal. I couldn't have done it without her and the support of my family.

Reach out if you are going through the same, getting out of it IS DOABLE.

— JK. Cromwell, May 2022

My first session with Paola was out of curiosity towards Past Lives Regression and not only did I do that but I also ended up having Hypnotherapy Sessions where we worked on my lack of confidence, problems to express myself and sleeping problems.

Paola was super gentle and calm not only on the initial discovery call but also during the sessions, without ever judging she listens to what you've got to say and guides you accordingly. 

After the session, I kept feeling her warmth as she was always following up on me with phone calls, whatsapp audios or e-mails.

I regard Paola as an excellent professional and highly recommendable.

— Rocío. Queenstown, Apr 2022

I saw Paola as I was just not being able to see any joy nor positivity in life to the point of constantly doubting myself, unable to make any changes or decisions in my life, lacking confidence and just wanting to hide from everyone all the time. After ONE session, the previous negative thoughts patterns I had were simply not there any more, I was able to think clearly, concentrate, interact with others and move forward in life, I was suddenly enjoying again and living my life in the happy way I had forgotten existed. My confidence has been restored and I'm moving forward now. Thank you Paola.

— Stewart. Cromwell, Mar 2022

I contacted Paola after dealing with some depression caused at a later stage of my life and at my 72 years of age I never thought hypnosis would help, but it did. It actually worked wonders and after my first session I just started feeling much happier and going back to enjoying what I had always enjoyed in life. Thank you Paola, you have changed my perception and I am forever grateful.

— Murray. Cromwell April 2022

I went to see Paola, a little sceptical with little knowledge of hypnosis but desperately needing a change in my eating habits and life. Having spent months yo-yo dieting with little or no success, drinking way too much and poor time management, I knew I needed help. Ten weeks later, I am completely in control of my eating and drinking, I feel great about myself and my husband is so grateful to have his happy wife back.

Thank you Paola - you made this possible.

— Bannockburn Local. Oct 2021

I have done regressions to past lives before , but I must admit that hypnotherapy has been a life changer . Paola Hinojosa totally exceeded my expectations. With her amazing help, I could tackle and solve a massive problem that I’ve been carrying in my back for most of my life.

I haven’t got enough words of gratitude for Paola Hinojosa, her professionalism and kindness.

— Carol. Queenstown, Dec 2021

Within 2 weeks of seeing Paola I shed 5kgs, which was half of my intended goal, while LOVING life again. A month and a half later and not only I reached my goal but went beyond it. Paola showed me that with determination and self-trust anything is possible. Thank you Paola!

— Katrin. Invercargill, Sept 2021

“I’m blown away! I’ve always struggled with “stepping too far outside my comfort zone” and so I had an online RTT session with Paola relating to confidence. WOW what an amazing eye-opening experience that was to discover the real reason for this lack of confidence. Paola was exceptional throughout the whole 90 min process, she made me feel safe and at ease. In fact, a couple of days later I could clearly see how this limiting belief I’d adopted had influenced a physical condition I have.

Since our session I’ve stepped up and stepped out and it feels so good AND my physical condition is easing. I continue to listen to the personalised recording every night as it truly is transformational. I highly recommend an RTT session with Paola for anything that you might currently be struggling with. Thank you, Paola, you’re phenomenal!”

— Judy. Auckland, Oct 2020

“Me gusta realizar terapias alternativas para mi crecimiento y evolución personal. Cuando Paola me contó sobre su estudio en hipnosis y Terapia de transformación rápida, me interesé, más viniendo de ella, una mujer muy profesional, apasionada por su trabajo y amorosa sobre todo. Tuvimos una charla previa donde me explicó todo y donde yo despeje todas mis dudas. La sesión fue en un ambiente cálido, de suma armonía y tranquilidad. Todo el momento me sentí muy segura y contenida por ella, tengo experiencia en otras terapias y eso es sumamente importante, ya que se trabaja por lo general cosas muy profundas, fuertes, y/o reveladoras.

A mí particularmente me sirvió mucho para conocer de dónde venían los patrones que se repetían una y otra vez, para conocerme más, y entenderme.  Tratamos el sobrepeso, a través de la hipnosis comprendí el "porque" y a través de RTT  la solución.

Gracias Paola por todo el amor y cariño que recibí en la sesión, sos una excelente persona, abocada y enfocada al servicio y a mejorar la vida de los que te conocen. Recomiendo al 100% tu servicio. Por último decir me gustaría decir, que esto requiere de un gran compromiso por parte del consultante, realmente querer trabajar o tratar lo que esté pasando, cualquiera sea el motivo, y esto es así y este es el momento! contáctate con Paola y viví una experiencia transformadora.”

— Anónimo. Patagonia, July 2020

After my first session with Paola I managed not only to stop my constant picking on foods (that were far from being healthy) but also to reduce the amount of alcohol I was consuming on a daily basis. Since then I am thinking much clearer and I no longer have the brain fog I used to wake up to. Paola's weekly coaching calls following the session were key to support this journey. I can't wait to continue my journey with her. Alcohol never served me and I can finally be excited about the life that lies ahead for me. Thank you Paola!

— Anne. Gore, Jan 2024

I am totally amazed at the transition from the time I started working with Paola until now, a matter of weeks. 

Through limiting beliefs, I had lost confidence and was struggling to see purpose in my life. 

After the first session I was amazed at how happy and empowered I felt. I couldn’t take the smile off my face.

Over the course of weeks;  two more sessions and listening to the recordings at least once a day, often more, and follow up phone calls,  I now feel like a completely different person. I have self belief, clarity and purpose in my life, and my family are enjoying this lovely new version of me. 

Paola has an incredible gift; immediately on meeting her I felt completely comfortable. She emulates empathy and compassion, and  her advice and direction comes from a place of pure wisdom and goodness.  

Such is her unique gift in this life changing work. 

It was a privilege and a pleasure to work with her. 

I feel so very grateful. 

— Anne. Cromwell, June 2022

I am a 58-year-old woman who lives in Cromwell. My consuming alcohol had become an addiction. Before I knew it, I would drink a whole bottle of wine each night. As time went by, the daily effects of consuming all that alcohol made me bloated, very overweight, forgetful with no motivation to do much at all. It also made me pull back from friends and family, as I felt ashamed of myself, and I didn’t want anyone to know how much I drank each night. I knew this behavior/addiction had to stop otherwise it would be an early grave for me.

In early 2022, I found out that Paola was a Hypnotherapist and it’s the best thing I have ever done for myself.

I discovered while under hypnosis, my subconscious mind revealed a lot of emotions and old beliefs that weren’t helping me at all. Past experiences and things that had been said to me as a child, were buried away deep inside of me. And I had no idea now these experiences were still playing such a major role in my life today.

My first session with Paola was to address my drinking alcohol every evening. That has been very successful, as now I only have a very small controlled amount of wine on a Friday and a Saturday evening if I choose to have a drink. The other
five nights I am sober and loving the feeling of being back in control and having more clarity, and finding better things to do with my time.

For most of my life, I’ve always been overweight, so my second session was to look at my over-eating. I’ve since shredded 5kg in two months and I am very determined and motivated to get to my goal weight. I have 6kg left to go, but I know I will get there in good time. I enjoy eating healthier foods, I am more mindful now of what I am putting in my mouth, and have reduced my portion sizes on my plate. I enjoy getting out walking and love the feeling of fitting into smaller clothes – clothes I haven’t been able to wear for years.

My third session with Paola was to work on my confidence and self-esteem. My husband said the other day, how he’s noticed a big difference in me. He’s pleased that I have stopped drinking every night, as he felt like he was walking on
egg shells around me when I was drinking every evening. I didn’t realise at the time, how hard it must have been for him and how I was making him feel. To his credit, he just loved and accepted me the way I was, and he never complained. But he’s very relieved I’ve got myself sorted out now.

I have found this whole experience very liberating and it’s been a great journey of self-discovery. Past experiences or traumas don’t haunt my thoughts or affect me anymore. I am such a happier, healthier person, who is excited about living again. I am truly grateful to Paola for all her help and support, she has helped me immensely. Thank you from

— Sarah. Cromwell, June 2022

Paola is a very special person, go to meet her and you will see why I say so!

I had my first experience of Past Life Regressions with her, she as a therapist was very supportive of me and made me feel that I was in a safe place to explore my past lives. Once the session finished we sat down to put all the pieces together (information we collected from past lives) and it all made sense.  she analyzes in a way that mayne you did not see it coming! 

The whole experience was wonderful, she is a great professional and this therapy was what I needed to unlock problems in this life. It helped me so much.

Needless to say, I recommend Paola 100% and more.

— Sandra. Queenstown, Oct 2021

I recommend Paola 100%. She was welcoming from the very beginning and made me feel safe and comfortable during the almost 3hs long Past Life regression Session. It was an absolute blast! I truly recommend her :)

— Mariel. Queenstown, Nov 2021

“Thank you so much for our RTT session today.  I was feeling really vulnerable and uncertain when we started this morning but you made me feel so comfortable and safe in a very short time.  

During our session you asked me the exact questions I needed to have a really big breakthrough in breaking a pattern that has been with me for years.  I appreciate your expertise and brilliant, calm manner and I look forward to working with you again. You have boosted my confidence tenfold!”

— Shelley. Wellington, Oct 2020

My hypnosis sessions with Paola have been absolutely mindblowing. When she dealt with my insomnia in one session I was more than reassured that I could change and improve different aspects of my life; so I came back for more! Since then I got rid of 8kgs and have gained the confidence to even change career without second guessing. Paola you helped me take control of my life again and for that I can’t thank you enough. 

— Sandra. Dunedin, Aug 2020

“I had a really good experience. Honestly, it was more useful than I expected because I could see myself super clear, I could literally feel those feelings that I had in the past and understood how those feelings affected me in my actual life. The MOST important thing is that I have learnt an amazing tool to use in my daily life. The after-mood was amazing, I feel full of energy and positivism. Many thanks Paola , I’m listening to the audio every night and instantly fall asleep.”

— Nadia. Auckland, Oct 2020

Paola is a natural healer and I felt so at ease in her presence. The issues that caused me to seek her out, have all resolved.

I have absolutely every reason to encourage who ever reads this, to trust their niggle and go see Paola. You will not regret it.

— Kate. Sydney, Jan 2020

"I highly recommend experiencing a Past Lives Regression session with Paola whether you believe in past lives or not! Paola beautifully & gently facilitated my transformational journey which was full of evocative & enrichening images, stories and insights. I felt immediately lighter, clearer and freer after my session as Paola helped me heal & release some deeply restrictive patterns that I have been unable to shift with other methods. Thank you Paola!”

— Nicole. Canterbury, Mar 2021

“My favourite part of the session was the way in which Paola made me feel safe and cared for and that in that state I really got to imagine a beautiful new world. 

Paola is a very skilled rapid transformational therapist and well worth the money I spent. I highly highly recommend Paola if you are stuck in anyway with limiting beliefs or old ways of thinking. In one session your life could dramatically change.”

— Penny. Wellington, May 2020

Sound Massages & Sound Baths Testimonials

I did the Sacred Vibrations Workshop with Paola & Denise and I absolutely loved it! Understanding more about Sacred Geometry, Chakras and how Sound Healing works was an insightful, yet fun experience. I loved the Sound Bath! and I'm coming back to the next one!

— Fernanda. Queenstown, Oct 2023

I've never had a Sound Massage in my life before. I was struggling with anxiety after a tough separation process and during the session I was able to release emotions that seemed to be stuck in there forever. I'm coming back for more Sound Massage sessions with Paola and I'd recommend you do so as well. You won't regret it.

— Jo. Cromwell, Dec 2023

My mother in law and I LOVED Paola's Sacred Vibrations Workshop! Pao & Denise left us both wanting to come back for more! The vibrations of the singing bowls made me sleep like a log that night. The emotional release was incredible! Thank you Paola!

— Mora & Nikki. Cromwell, Oct 2023

Paola's Sound Bath was something different! She somehow managed to switch my mind off and grounded us into the "right here, right now" with ease. She's engaging, knowledgeable and clearly passionate about what she does. The entire group was pleased and relaxed when the session finished. I can't wait to go back to the monthly sessions next year! Thank you Paola!

— Jess. Bannockburn, Oct 2023

What a great time to spend a weekend afternoon! The Sacred Vibrations Workshop was revealing and I can't wait to come to the next one! I've already booked my Sound Massage for next week! Thank you girls!

— Georgie. Cromwell, Oct 2023

My Sound Massage with Paola was simply AMAZING! I did not know what to expect and I discovered there's an entire different way to relax and let go of muscle tension. I just was not expecting to reach such a deep level of physical relaxation. Thank you Paola, thanks for sharing your gift!

— Julia. Queenstown, Nov 2023

My friends got me a Sound Massage Gift voucher with Paola last year. Since then, I've already had 3 of them, and a Reiki session. Paola's sessions are insightful, she just has a unique way to listen and help you understand and deal with emotions. I'll keep coming back as it helped me in so many different ways. My mindset has changed. I highly recommend her.

— Christine. Cromwell, Jan 2024

Massage Testimonials

I have been a regular client of Paola's for the past couple of years, and I can confidently say that she is an outstanding massage therapist. Her sports massages have consistently left me feeling rejuvenated and more limber than ever before. Her expertise and skill in sports massage are truly remarkable. She has an intuitive understanding of the body and knows exactly how to target and alleviate any muscle tension or discomfort. Her techniques are both effective and tailored to individual needs, ensuring a personalized experience every time.

What sets Paola apart is her genuine care and dedication towards her clients. She takes the time to listen to any concerns or specific areas of focus, ensuring that the massage session is tailored to address those needs. Her friendly and professional demeanor creates a comfortable environment, allowing for a truly relaxing experience.

Paola's small business is a hidden gem in the world of sports massage. The ambiance of her studio is calming, and she maintains a high level of cleanliness and hygiene. Additionally, her pricing is fair and reasonable, considering the exceptional quality of her services.

I cannot recommend Paola's sports massage enough. Whether you're an athlete looking to enhance performance or simply seeking relief from everyday muscle tension, Paola's expertise will undoubtedly leave you feeling revitalized. Don't hesitate to book an appointment with her – you won't be disappointed!

— Ruben. Cromwell, Nov 2023

Thank God I found you girl. You've made triathlons less painful for me, you were right! Maintenance massages MUST be part of my training, lesson learnt! See you soon!

— Becky. Queenstown, Dec 2023

I just wanted to say thanks again for the massage last week, I found it really good and would love to book another session in 2 weeks' time. I still  can't believe I was able to drive away with a pain free neck! You are a magician!

— Vicki. Cromwell, Aug 2023

Paola's massage saved my legs after cycling the Clyde-Cromwell trail. She's awesome! And so much fun to talk to (despite my pain!) he he he. I highly recommend her.

— Scott. Auckland, Jan 2024

Paola's Hot Stones massages are out of this world -  a MUST do if in Bannockburn.

— Pat. Minnesota USA, Sept 2023